Best Service Chris Hein Orchestral Brass Compact på - Sveriges musikaffär på nätet.
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Best Service Chris Hein Orchestral Brass Compact

Mindre version av Complete-versionen, 9 solo- & 3 ensemble-instrument, 5 artikulationer

Orchestral Brass Compact is the light-edition of the unique library Chris Hein – Orchestra Brass Complete. It offers the same number of instruments: three trumpets, three trombones and three french horns, being recorded as nine individual instruments and three ensembles.

Because of its exceptional and highly versatile sound quality Orchestral Brass Compact is a perfect addition to any orchestral library, especially for productions with brass instruments playing a prominent role; be it in classical compositions, epic film-scores or orchestral pop music.

For the compact edition, the most important and common articulations and functions have been selected from the complete edition. At the same time, this brass-library doubtlessly meets the highest expectations in regard to sound quality, expression and applicability. The library's instruments are based upon meticulously, carefully prepared multisamples with detailed phase-alignment for phase-correct blends and crossfades of dynamic layers. Up to eight dynamic layers guarantee for realistic sounding results.

Among the undeniable highlights of the library are true legato, variable attacks per note, innovative play-aids such as hot keys, note heads and MIDI remote controllability of all functions via TouchOSC.

Chris Hein – Orchestral Brass Compact naturally relies on a powerful sample-engine, in this case Native Instruments' Kontakt Player. Expect a custom tailored user-interface and extensive scripting to respect the specific requirements of the instruments presented.

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Video titel

Album: Referenstext om vald video


Värdprogram Kontakt Player (medföljer)
Hårdvarunyckel krävs Nej
Storlek på nedladdning
6,62 GB
Systemkrav PC
 • Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 (latest Service Pack, 32/64-bit)
 • Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2
 • 4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)
Systemkrav MAC
 • OS 10.9, 10.10, 10.11
 • Intel Core 2 Duo
 • 4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)


  • Return of a Hero.mp3
  • Adventure.mp3
  • Another Adventure.mp3
  • A Place to Call Home.mp3


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